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2023 Open Call for Nominations for Election to Board Secretary

The chapter is accepting nominations for Secretary until COB November 26, 2023. Elections will be held at the annual Holiday Social on December 1, 2023. Nominees should plan to be present at the event. Further details and registration are available on the chapter website.

By willing submission, the nominee confirms an understanding that they are making a 4-year pledge to serve in the Chapter Board rotation. The successful candidate will be elected as Secretary for the 2024 calendar year and rotate up annually to Treasurer, VP and President of the Chapter. The nominee also understands that the Secretary is responsible for all Chapter communications and communication about events and registration set ups. It is an important position to the Chapter and may require additional resources to assist in coordinating events.

Nominees also commit to attending Board meetings and helping in the planning of Chapter business and are expected to be a regular attendee at Chapter sponsored events. If elected and as a Board member you may also be the designated representative of a chapter committee. Monthly commitment is estimated to be about 10 hours.

Nominees are requested to use the form below to apply for the Board Secretary position. Alternatively, you may also email answers to the following questions to the Chapter Vice President at larry.hughes@tisllc.com. You may also contact Larry with any questions you have @ 443.536.6659.

It is suggested that nominees submit a headshot photograph with the submission to assist in election process.

Nominee Questions:

  1. Please briefly provide a professional bio that supports the nomination to this organization.
  2. Please detail your involvement with either CMAA Chapter or National level events to date.
  3. Understanding the full term of this commitment, what innovative thoughts or ideas can you suggest for improving the Chapter during your board term?
  4. Do you have your supervisor’s/organization’s support for this effort?

All nominees are strongly encouraged to consider volunteering to committees at the Chapter level. We look forward to receiving your nomination!

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