Legislative Updates:
August 6, 2024 – Today representatives from CMAA Baltimore visited Congressman John Sarbanes’ (MD-03) office to discuss H.R.1477 – Freedom To Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act. They met with Samuel Hahn (Constituent Services Representative) and two summer interns to discuss our organization and goals, as well as provide information regarding nuances of our profession. They seemed responsive to the possibility of cosponsoring H.R.1477 and followed up with several questions about our certifications and membership numbers. Additionally, it was mentioned that Rep. Sarbanes serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce; our focus on green energy and sustainability pairs well with some their initiatives.
Pictured: (rear – L to R) Dave Wissman (CMAA Baltimore National Board of Directors Liaison) ; Keith Tyson (CMAA Baltimore Advocacy Chair); Barry Catterton (CMAA Baltimore VP) – (front – L to R) – Hilary Gonzales, Samuel Hahn (Constituent Services Representative)
Regarding the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Ace (H.R. 1477/S. 722)
CMAA has advocated for expanding 529 savings plans to cover recognized postsecondary credential programs, making those funds able to be used for expenses such as testing and recertification fees for accredited programs like the Certified Construction Manager® (CCM®). This policy change would be a significant step forward in growing the skilled construction workforce we need for the future.
We have a major update! Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the Education and Workforce Freedom Act (H.R. 8915). This bill includes an updated version of the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S. 722/H.R. 1477), which we support.
Positive Developments: H.R. 8915 has made significant progress. On July 9, the House Ways and Means Committee marked up the bill and passed it out of committee to go before the full House.
Potential Challenges: H.R. 8915 does face some potential barriers due to language unrelated to our policy priority. Because of this, the Education and Workforce Freedom Act may face hurdles in the Senate and garnering support from all Members of Congress.
CMAA remains committed to fighting to expand 529 savings plans for recognized, postsecondary education and training programs. Expanding these accounts will empower current and future workers and grow the industry.
We urge you to contact your Members of Congress and ask them to support the expansion of 529 savings plans to cover these recognized programs. Your voice matters, and together we’ll be able to make an impact for workers across the nation.
If you’d like to help, please click the button below to email your Member of Congress. Additionally, check the References and Support section for guidance on how to help. Lastly, please click on “Become and Advocate Today” to register your information with CMAA.

CMAA BALTIMORE – Message from our Advocacy Chair
The Advocacy Committee’s mission is to get the CMAA name out in front of our local leaders to advocate for program and construction management. Each of us can help with this effort. We can to sign up to participate with the CMAA National’s August campaign to promote Advocacy.
CMAA is breaking ground on this new advocacy initiative – our In-District Campaign. This member-driven effort empowers YOU to shape the future of construction without having to travel to Washington, D.C.
The CMAA National Advocacy Team will equip you with all the resources you need – training, talking points, and meeting prep materials. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a real impact. To get started, register now!

CMAA National Advocacy Center
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References and Support Videos
Are you looking for more information on being an advocate? Here are some references for being an advocate.

Our Mission is to promote the profession of construction management and the use of qualified construction managers on projects and programs.
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